Keynote 1: "The US Church in an Age of Secularization: Past, Present, and Possible Futures," a lecture by Stephen Bullivant, PhD | 9:30 am | Physical Sciences Building 120 (Zoom available)
Roughly one in three Americans now identify as religious "nones" (including c. 15 million who were raised Catholic). Churches are closing/merging in many dioceses. And yet... in plenty of places the Church seems to be thriving, especially among young adults. This talk aims to help American Catholics get a better sense of how we got here, what the future might hold, and how they might contribute to it.
Keynote 2: "Liquid Identity: Our Current Situation and How We Can Respond," a lecture by Angela Franks, PhD | 1PM | Physical Sciences Building 120 (Zoom available)
Angela Franks, Ph.D., is a theologian, speaker, writer, and mother of six. She serves as Professor of Theology at St. John's Seminary in Boston and as a Senior Fellow at the Abigail Adams Institute in Cambridge. She is the President-elect for the Academy of Catholic Theology for 2024-25, as well as a Life and Dignity Writing Fellow for Church Life Journal (University of Notre Dame). Her CV can be found here. Her areas of specialty include the body, identity, the Trinity, Christology, and the thought of John Paul II and Hans Urs von Balthasar. She is currently focused on bringing key ideas in contemporary Continental philosophy into conversation with the Catholic intellectual tradition.
*This conference is made possible by the grant, "In Lumine: Supporting the Catholic Intellectual Tradition on College Campuses Nationwide," (Grant #62372) from the John Templeton Foundation.
Friday, Nov. 15 (Pre-Conference)